Advertising Disclosure And Disclaimer Statement

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We display third party advertisements through Google which are clearly identified as such. Listings under "Ads by Google" sections are not selected by us, they are automatically provided by (who sponsors ads on our site). is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

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If you were to go directly to that company's website and place an order, you would pay the same amount for the products, but we would not receive any type of compensation from them.

While this website is in good measure a labor of love, it is also a business which takes considerable time, effort and money to produce the significant amount of original content, along with the free advice, help and information made available to our visitors.

We would appreciate your support of our affiliate recommendations, even when you re-order. This helps us to continue to make all the information on this website available free of charge. Please keep this in mind if you use an ad-blocker, as declining ad revenue could lead to the site shutting down. I strive to ensure the ads are not intrusive while still supporting the site's operation.  Your support is very much appreciated by us and the doggies.

We will only recommend a product or company that we feel is a valuable resource to our readers, but this is based on our own personal opinions. Any questions, claims or descriptions of a product or service should be independently verified with that company.

The material provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only.

The information contained in this site is general in nature and has been researched and compiled by website staff from a variety of sources.

It is not a substitute for professional veterinary care on any matter as it pertains to the health and welfare of your pet, and is not intended to replace the advice of veterinary care professionals.

If you have specific veterinary needs, or for complete information about your dog(s), please see a qualified veterinarian.

Despite the best efforts of dog-spoiling-made-easy to provide accurate information, it is not feasible to verify all the resources, or to ensure that all information is constantly correct, including, but not limited to, links and reference resources, articles, and web pages, found on this website or linked to on the Internet.

The materials contained on this website could include inaccuracies or typographical errors. Dog-spoiling-made-easy assumes no responsibility for any loss due to inaccuracy, or reliance on information published on this web site.

Some links within this website may direct to other websites, including those operated and maintained by third parties. Inclusion of these links is provided by as a convenience to you. It does not imply an endorsement of the linked site(s) or responsibility for the linked site(s), its operators, or its contents (exceptions may apply).

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If you do not agree to's Advertising Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement and Privacy Policy as posted here on this website, please do not use this site or any services offered by this site.

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Updated: 04/14/2024