Daycare for dogs is one of the solutions many pet parents turn to for their pet's care while they are away from home, be it for a job or other obligations. Dropping off a pet at a reliable pet care facility lessens the stress of juggling busy schedules to meet family priorities.
After a long day at work, or even longer from a business trip, it's nice to come home to a pet that's been well-taken care of at day care.
Instead of stressed out from being home alone, your dog will be more relaxed and happy to see you because he has enjoyed some playtime and exercise. He'll have no need to act out any feelings of neglect because he has had fun instead of a being bored!
And you will feel good because you're too darn tired to take him for a walk!
While day care may not be suitable for every pet, for many it is a match made in heaven. Certainly it could be the most ideal option for pets with separation anxiety.
Among the many helpful experiences at pet day care, socialization with other dogs is one of the greatest advantages for your pet.
In a supervised daycare, not only will
your pooch learn how to behave around other
dogs, they will also learn how to behave around humans!
Most people who bring their dogs to doggie day care describe it as a
fantastic experience for their dog. No matter what their age, they love
the "no-cage" freedom of the environment. Even older pets seem to thrive
and become rejuvenated after spending time with other dogs.
A daycare visit a couple of times a week can also accustom a dog to
the facility so that when you have to leave him for longer periods, he'll
already feel comfortable being there.
Dog sitters that come to your home to exercise and play with your dog, is another option if your dog is more of a homebody and enjoys more one on one attention.
Either way, pets benefit from the social interaction and are more contented dogs.
The care provided by dog day care services can be a thoroughly positive way to spoil the dog you love, but choose wisely. Take time time to find a place with a trained staff whose top priority is your dog's safety, well-being and of course, fun!
Then you'll truly have peace of mind knowing that your best friend is in good hands.
Most commercial facilities will offer, in addition to supervised daycare:
overnight boarding, training - group or private, and grooming. Read my article about boarding your dog for lots more information if you have to be away for several days.
Higher end places usually have more extensive services to offer. This list will give you an idea of what's being offered by various pet resorts:
Besides, the benefits that day care can provide to your dog, there are many day-to-day family events where it can be a life-saver:
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