Basic Dog Training
Start Your Dog Out Right!

Let's face it, basic dog training is an absolute necessity for a dog to get along and live happily with his family. Without proper training, we are flirting with disaster!

But, it's a disaster that can be avoided if a dog's basic training is started early. By beginning firmly but gently, you and your dog will soon reap the rewards.

I know, I know, new puppies are so cute and sooo... much fun to spoil, that it's easy to put off the training for another day!

Lovable as they are, I guarantee they won't stay that way without learning how to be a well-mannered pooch - and frankly we have an obligation to teach them the necessary social skills.

Dogs are eager to please and a polite pet will get lots more positive strokes and be a happier dog. What you'll get in return is his unconditional love - can't beat that!

So, don't delay. Try some of these dog training ideas along with opportunities for socialization and he'll have no trouble being accepted anywhere you go.

Basic Dog Training For Beginners

These articles address many familiar challenges that new and seasoned dog owners face. Read the ones that interest you and get all the information you need to train your effectively and get the results you want in the shortest time.

puppy biting human on nose

Getting Started With Basic Dog Training

When it comes to dog training, whatever approach is chosen, it should be based on positive reinforcement. Based on our experience, when a dog is rewarded by getting your approval (and maybe a treat) he becomes more interested in participating in the "game". Which by the way is a good approach to training - make it fun!

Try the positive approach first if you don't want to devote endless hours to training. You'll find that it not only achieves results, it does so quickly.

dog looking up while walking with walker

But better yet, your furry friend will become a reasonably well-mannered pooch who doesn't bolt out an open door at every opportunity, scare the mailman, bark for no good reason, or chew up our best shoes. In other words.... a somewhat disciplined doggy.

Training your pet at home is perfectly doable if you invest in one of the professional training guides for dog obedience featured on this site. You can get started right away training a puppy or older dog. The guides are effective, easy to follow and inexpensive compared to hiring a private dog trainer.

The key to success, as with most things, is being consistent in following whichever plan you select.

Basic Dog Training Time

When life gets busy, time spent training is one of the best ways to interact and build a bond with your pet.

Plus dog training commands can be taught in short sessions if you just set aside a little time at the beginning and the end of the day. It's amazing how much you can achieve this way.

Not only that, training will become a highlight of your pet's day and one of the most fun times for you and your dog.

And, the beauty of short sessions is that it's easier to keep your dog's attention while providing positive reinforcement. This will also help you stick with the routine!

Most dogs like to please and your pet will soon begin to anticipate these times when he can do just that. After all, training your pet is really a matter of repetition.. repetition..repetition - Oops, sorry!

Basic Training Priorities

dog paying attention to trainer outside

What is your top priority? If you have a new puppy, basic potty training is sure to be the first goal. No one wants to spend a lot of time cleaning the carpets, so getting started right away makes the most sense.

  • Most puppies are ready to start learning from the first day you bring them home, even if that entails getting up during the night to take them outside, or using a indoor dog potty for a short while.
  • The early months are usually the best time to start your basic dog training and to establish yourself as your dog's "pack leader".
  • Families who delay dog training are often sorry they did as - perish the thought - they may eventually contemplate giving up their furry friend because he hasn't magically learned the house rules all by himself! And that's something that shouldn't ever happen to a dog!

The good news is... you don't have to go there. In addition to reading the training help we have on this site, we recommend you enroll your puppy or older pet in an obedience class run by a professional dog trainer.

Cesar Millan's is one to consider if you live near one of his locations or are willing to travel. But don't let that stop you from getting his excellent book Cesar's Way.

Training Summary

As your dog begins to master some of the dog training can start teaching your pup other good habits. In fact you could begin teaching them right along with the other training routines.

Most probably, getting your dog used to walking without tugging, sitting and staying, coming when called, not jumping on guests or furniture (no doubt he'll have his own pampered couch), etc., will be early priorities.

Whether you have a purebred pug or a marvelous mutt, they will be a much happier pet when they are trained and know what's expected of them as a new member of your family pack.

All it takes is a little T L C which I know you'll agree, every treasured dog deserves.

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