How To Get Rid Of Dog Fleas
- The Ultimate Battle Plan!

To get rid of dog fleas in the gentlest way when treating a parasite invasion on your treasured pup, try a natural approach first.


Signs Your Dog Has Fleas Or Ticks

How do you know if your dog has fleas? Well the most obvious sign is that you see a flea jump off your dog or you spot an embedded tick on his body, but before that happens, here are some other telltale signs:

  • Sudden increase in scratching and chewing
  • Patches of dry skin
  • Dandruff
  • Patches of hair loss
  • Flea Dirt on the skin
  • Flea eggs on the skin
  • Evidence of flea or tick bites

Finding the Fleas

You've no doubt heard the expression "breeding like rabbits". Well that should more aptly be changed to fleas.

The rabbits have nothing on them in the breeding department. Just a drop in the bucket - which, by the way, is where the fleas and eggs should go after you have combed them out of your dog's coat - a bucket of soapy water that is.

Tip - Dip a fine-toothed flea comb in the water first, then the fleas won't be able to escape while you comb them out and dunk into the water to drown.

To "find" the flea dirt (in other words feces):

  • Run a dry flea comb through your dog's coat, especially on the lower back and belly.
  • Do this over some white paper so that you can easily see any black grains that fall out.
  • When you do, squish them and if they turn brownish-red, that's flea feces which gets its color from the blood they consume.

If your dog has been attacked by fleas, then they are in your home also. Sorry!

While fleas may tend to jump on and off their host, the eggs they lay on a pet's coat usually fall off into areas he frequents.

Look for them in your dog's favorite carpeted areas, warm cozy corners, couches and chairs in your home, and of course in his bed and your bed.

It's really important to interrupt their life-cycle and kill both the fleas and the eggs. So let's get to it.

Get Rid of Fleas Step By Step

When it comes to planning an attack to get rid of dog fleas, the natural control method is a three step approach involving:

  • The dog,
  • The home and
  • The outside environment

- all of which need to be treated at more or less the same time to solve the problem.

While popular spot-on treatments may work to get rid of dog fleas, they do rely on pretty strong chemicals that have been known to cause health problems. Just a peek at the the label warnings is pretty scary. The point being - these products are toxic!

Natural flea control methods provide safer alternatives when it comes to getting rid of fleas and that's the approach I like to use. If you like this idea, keep reading.

Treat Your Pets First

A healthy dog has a lot more natural immunity to a flea attack. Diet is so important to a dog's health, that the biggest favor you can do for your dog is to feed him the best dog food!

Not only will this provide the nutrients for a strong immune system, it will also help your dog avoid skin problems that weaken the skin and make it very attractive to parasites.

  • Start with a daily dose of brewers yeast which will make your pet's skin distasteful to fleas.
  • Boost your dog's immune system with a premier supplement like Missing Link so that he has better defense against flea attacks.
  • Add essential fatty acids to provide extra support for skin health.

Grooming To Get Rid of Dog Fleas

  • When fighting an infestation, comb your dog daily (outside) with a flea comb following the soapy water method described above. This will also be a good time to look for ticks.
  • Bathe your dog with a natural flea protection shampoo. Begin the bath by wetting your dog's head and lathering the neck area first, letting the product settle for a few minutes before moving on to the torso. This cuts off an escape route to the ears and face when you shampoo the rest of the body.

Apply an all-natural flea and tick control product for ongoing protection and/or for longer term use, consider a botanical collar which safely repels ticks and fleas for five months.

Flea Protection In The Home

  • Wash dog bedding in hot soapy water
  • Buy the best vacuum you can afford and run it through every nook and cranny of your home paying special attention to your dog's favorite spots. Vacuuming is so important for flea control in the home - do it daily if you can.
  • Wrap vacuum bag or canister contents into a separate plastic bag each time you vacuum, seal and discard to outside garbage container. Don't want those critters getting back in.
  • Apply a safe flea and tick control product such as Fleabusters everywhere around the inside of your house.
  • For the outside areas of your house and yard - especially in shady moist areas, or where your pets like to lie, use a product containing diatomaceous earth. 
  • This amazingly effective all natural very fine powder is made from fossilized skeletal remains of algae-like plants. The powder particles - much like talcum to look at - have incredibly sharp edges which destroy a flea's protective coating and dehydrates them.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Diatomaceous earth for use in pool filters is not the same thing and should not be used for natural flea and tick control purposes.

  • Another great tip to get rid of fleas around the yard, the lawn and in flower and vegetable gardens, is the use of nematodes. 

These beneficial microorganisms which consume flea larvae, are harmless to pets, plants or humans. They are also very helpful in destroying other plant-destructive insects in the soil.

Dealing With Ticks on Dogs

Ticks can carry a host of diseases, including lyme disease, which can be transmitted to dogs. Ticks like to hang out in grassy fields or wooded wilderness areas, but dog parks and even areas your own back yard are also potential habitats.

  • When your dog has walked about in obvious tick territory, make sure to go over his entire body from top to bottom - literally - in search of them! Ears and neck are frequent targets but so are natural skin folds - such as where legs meet body or between toe pads.
  • When you find ticks on dogs, they must be removed right away by pulling straight out with a pair of tick tweezers and flushed down the toilet. Sometimes you may be able to find them before they have become embedded.
  • To aid in the battle for natural flea and tick control, try to go for walks in places that they are less likely to be.
  • When it comes to your yard there are simple steps you can take to make it less attractive to ticks. These steps involve keeping grass short, tall weeds abated and bushes trimmed. 
  • Since ticks can't jump or fly, they crawl up tall plant material using these as perches from which they can drop or get brushed onto a passing pet or human. They may also crawl up your house and lay in wait under window sills and other crevices, so filling cracks and similar hiding places is another preventative measure.
  • Ticks also require a certain level of humidity to survive and may be attracted to shaded areas of your yard where moisture, leaves or other debris accumulates. Getting rid of this type of ground cover will allow the area to dry out making it less hospitable to ticks and eliminating another potential habitat or a place to deposit their eggs.

There are numerous remedies available to do battle with parasites, but our preference is for natural products, that do not contain harmful ingredients or toxic pesticides Which can harm your pet and the environment.

To get rid of fleas using a natural approach may take a little longer to work, but the advantage is that these products can be used safely for year-round protection of your pet's health when dealing with parasites.

While you are treating the dog and the house, don't forget yourself.

Essential oils are a natural way to repel fleas and other bugs. The following ones are frequently used for this purpose:

  • citronella,
  • tea tree,
  • eucalyptus,
  • lavender, or
  • cedar wood.

They can be blended together with a carrier oil such as jojoba and rubbed on arms and legs for protection.

Keeping Fido Flea Free

Take preventative measures to get rid of dog fleas year-round. Some ongoing recommendations to consider:

  • Buy washable bedding and launder often in hot water.
  • Keep outdoor areas treated with natural flea and tick control products at least until the first frost. Regular outdoor treatment is especially important to combat any unwanted fleas that may be left by visiting neighbor dogs.
  • Consider getting some dog bedding containing cedar fill, known for its flea-repellent properties. Also, a cedar dog house if your dog is outside a lot.
  • Look for signs of tapeworms - rice-like grains in your dog's feces and seek help right away if you see any.

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Fleas Are Persistent And You Must Be Too!

Dog fleas - aargh. They are a menace for both pets and people and once they check in, they are hard to check out.

Left untreated, a dog with fleas will suffer from irritating skin conditions, including dermatitis. These parasites also carry the tapeworm, which can be transferred to your dog if he successfully bites into a flea.

Fleas and ticks have been around for millions of years - if you have a dog, spoiled or otherwise, sooner or later you will encounter them. And what's worse, these cooties are strong survivors so you have to be very diligent to protect your pet from them.

It only takes a few female fleas a very short time to multiply into a staggering colony if their eggs are not destroyed.

And while an adult flea can't live but a few days without a meal, fully developed fleas can remain inside the pupal cocoon for several months without eating - just lying in wait for an innocent food source - host - to come their way.

Bottom Line

It's an ongoing process to get rid of dog fleas as long as you have furry companions in your home.

Tip - For a periodic flea check on the inside of your home: Put out a flea trap - this one - is a popular choice and gets rid of them without the use of chemicals. You'll get the jump on them so to speak and be able to attack the problem before it gets worse!

Remember, while these natural methods can help with flea control, they might not be as effective as commercial chemical products. For severe flea problems, have a consult with your veterinarian. You both know your pet and between the two of you can decide on the most suitable solution for your dog's specific needs and your peace of mind.

Whatever  products you select to get rid of dog fleas and help your pet with other parasites, make sure to precisely follow the label directions for use.

And, please keep an eye on your dog for any allergic or adverse reaction. Even dog flea products that are regarded as very safe for most dogs, may cause an unwanted reaction in some dogs.

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  • Always consult your veterinarian when you have health-related questions. Information on this website is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified professional.

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