Get Your Dogs Attention!

Training your dog effectively starts with one essential step: getting their attention. This might seem simple—after all, you are the most important thing in your dog’s life.

But in reality, distractions abound, and ensuring that your dog focuses on you when needed, is a crucial foundation for all other training.

dog looking up while taking walk

Why Attention Matters

When your dog is paying attention to you, they’re not fixated on every scent on the ground or tugging on the leash with enough force to dislocate your shoulder.

Establishing the ability to command your dog’s attention ensures more enjoyable walks and more effective training sessions.

The key command for this training is "watch me," and one of the most effective tools to use is a clicker.

Start Indoors for Success

Like many training exercises, teaching your dog to focus on you is easiest when done in a low-distraction environment. Begin inside, where you have more control over your dog’s surroundings.

Attach your dog’s leash and take them for a short indoor stroll.

Use the clicker to get their attention—most dogs will instinctively glance toward the source of the sound.

The moment your dog looks at you, say "watch me" and immediately reward them with a treat.

If kibble doesn’t excite your dog, schedule training sessions right before mealtime when they’re naturally more food-motivated.

dog paying attention on walk

Get Your Dogs Attention With A Click

Clicker training requires a bit of coordination. You’ll be juggling multiple elements:

  • Leash in one hand
  • Clicker in either hand
  • Treats ready to go
  • Your voice to reinforce the command.

If managing a clicker feels overwhelming, you can use food rewards alone or even a squeaky toy to capture your dog’s attention. Just pick something as a reward that you know your dog loves and will respond to.

The key is to reinforce the behavior consistently—only rewarding them when they are fully focused on you.

The advantage of the clicker, is you can mark the behavior faster.

Taking the Training Outside

Once your dog reliably responds to "watch me" indoors, it’s time to practice outside during daily walks.

Keep in mind that puppies have short attention spans, so don't expect prolonged eye contact. A few seconds of focus before they get distracted is perfectly normal.

For best results, follow these steps:

Say "watch me" as you walk.

If your dog looks up at you, immediately mark the behavior with a click (or verbal praise) and reward them.

Repeat this process throughout the walk, reinforcing the habit in different environments.

The Value of "Watch Me"

Even adult dogs won’t maintain eye contact for an entire walk, and that’s okay! Dogs should be allowed to sniff and explore within reason.

However, the "watch me" command is invaluable for moments when you need their focus—whether to keep them from eating something harmful or to prevent excessive pulling on the leash.

Training your dog to pay attention to you is more than just an obedience exercise; it strengthens your bond and enhances safety. Plus, it saves your arm from getting yanked out of its socket—a definite bonus!

There's also something to be said for saving your arm from being from being yanked from its socket by your pooch taking you for a walk! 

With consistent practice and positive reinforcement, your dog will learn that checking in with you is rewarding and worth their while, making every walk more enjoyable for both of you

One Last Point

Every training command you want to teach your dog will always require you to get your dog's attention - meaning it's makes sense to start with this exercise first.

Once this one sticks, it will help with many other situations where you need to get your dog's attention. Plus you'll then have a head start with all the others trainings whether indoor or outdoors such as barking.

The clicker training method is one can be used with any animal or pet and has been used effectively with service dogs.

Get The Book

clicker training

This fascinating book explains the science behind clicker training, how and why it works, and offers step-by-step instructions on how you can clicker-train any animal in your life.

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