The Italian Greyhound.

by Tammy
(Eugene OR)

My boys

My boys

The top dogs in my family are my Italian Greyhounds. Though classified as a toy breed, at around 14 lbs with a tall, lean body, they resemble their cousins the full-sized greyhounds, more than any other toy breeds.

They are a very active small dog that really needs a family with no small children and at least two pets to thrive. They are easily bored and have difficulty during potty training.

They are extremely affectionate by nature and very dedicated to their immediate family. They are odorless and are a great pet because they do not shed.

Their bark is deceptively large for such a small dog and this makes them an excellent watchdog. The breed is relatively uncommon, because litters are very small, usually consisting of between 2-4 puppies.

They are an extremely smart dog and are well known for their ability to actually cry. With very distinct and loving personalities, the Pharaohs often favored this ancient breed in early times. The Italian Greyhound is the original greyhound - the racing greyhounds were
actually bred up (made larger) from this breed versus being bred down to a toy size.

Italian Greyhounds are extremely healthy and a naturally active breed. One major concern with younger pups is broken limbs. In the early stages of life, the Italian Greyhound doesn't realize that it can’t fly and will often try to make enormous leaps. It is very important to watch them closely until they are at least a year old.

Another known health issue is epilepsy. It is a fairly common issue in Italian Greyhounds, but rarely affects their life expectancy. With one of the longest life expectancies of any breed, the Italian Greyhound usually lives between 15-20 years, but some have been known to live to 20 or more.

The best thing about having an Italian Greyhound is the level of dedication. They are totally and completely dedicated to their owner and if you're considering an Italian Greyhound, you must be completely and totally dedicated to them.

There are many Italian Greyhounds desperately seeking homes through the IG Rescues with many owners citing potty training as the main reason why they gave their pets up.

You must be very patient and consistent with Italian Greyhounds. Since they have really short hair, most people find it easier to litter box, or paper train their dogs instead of trying to teach them to go out in the cold. They are a very temperature sensitive dog and really dislike cold weather.

If you’re looking into getting an Italian Greyhound, a playmate pet is very important to
your sanity and theirs. All in all, they are a wonderful breed. They are by far, the absolutely most loving pets that I have ever had and as many experienced owners will tell you, Once you have them and understand them, you won't trade
them for the world.

Italian greyhound seated on red cushion - fine art printItalian Greyhound on Red fine art print

Italian Greyhound Fine Art Print

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Desperately need new vet
by: Debra Day

Are you really in Eugene OR? I desperately need a vet here that understands IGs. Can you help me? If so, please email me.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!


NOTE: from Dog-Spoiling Editors

Debra, we have removed your email address in the interest of your privacy, but will pass it along to Tammy if she sees your message and gets in touch with us through this page of our website. Unfortunately, we do not have Tammy's email address.

In the meantime, here are some websites that may be of help to you in finding a reliable vet:

American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association

American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)

And for general information:
The Italian Greyhound Club Of America

Good luck in finding what you need for your pet.

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